4 Effective Tips for Checking Used Motorbikes During Open Houses at JBA

News picture 4 Effective Tips for Checking Used Motorbikes During Open Houses at JBA
date_range 2022-12-06
schedule 18:51:13
4 Effective Tips for Checking Used Motorbikes During Open Houses at JBA

Jakarta – The JBA auction house always provides many benefits for its customers. You can get a used motorcycle at a more affordable price besides that you can use it immediately after you complete the transaction. JBA also presents various types of used motorcycle and does not forget to prepare various JBA programs that make it easier for JBA consumers when buying the used motorcycles what they want.

Before you do the auction, JBA provides Open House time for prospective bidders. This open house is a time where prospective bidders can check the targeted used motorcycles directly so they can try it. Not only does the Open House system make JBA consumers feel safe, JBA also provides Vehicle Data Sheets (LDK) for motorcycles, cars and heavy equipment which detail the condition of the vehicle in a transparent manner.

  This used motorcycle LDK has also been prepared by JBA on the JBA Indonesia website and application. So, you can check directly or indirectly. Easy right? You can ask CS JBA directly about the state of your used motorcycle! They will inform you of the data you need quickly. When you are confused about how to check the used motorcycle that you are after, here are 4 easy tips for you:

  1. Check used motorcycle engines

The most important thing when you check a used motorcycle is checking the engine. You can start the engine, then check the condition of the engine by paying attention to the sound, gas pull, and exhaust smoke. You can also check a used motorcycle engine by covering the exhaust hole with your hand and then listen to the sound of the engine, whether the sound is quiet or noisy enough


  1. Check the used motorcycle body

Not only used motorcycle engines are very important to check, you also need to check the condition of the motorcycle body. Try to check the gaskets and bolts on the engine first, then the shock breaker, the condition of the tires and the disc brakes.


  1. Check the completeness of the used motorcycle

Don't forget to also check the condition of the brakes, the oil tube, the vleg motor spark plugs and the battery whether they are functioning normally or not. Most importantly, also check other equipment such as lights and mirrors


Not only that, you also have to check the list of used motorcycles. The list on a pristine body is usually neatly covered by a protective clear layer or clear like the factory default.


One of the most difficult checks is the condition of the welds and the legs. Well, the factory default, the welds such as the bottom of the tank or the axles or the fork frame appear to be thin and neat.


  1. Check the completeness of documents and others

Lastly, make sure the completeness of the used motorcycle documents such as the Vehicle Number Certificate or STNK and the Motorized Vehicle Ownership Book or BPKB. You can check the documents of your target used motorcycle to CS JBA.


Keep in mind, even though a used motorcycle is not smooth from a body perspective, if the engine is still good, it might still be worth buying. Especially if you like to modify the motor.


So, those are 4 effective tips for checking used motorcycles during an open house at JBA. If you feel confused and want to ask questions regarding the condition of used motorcycle, don't hesitate to ask FI JBA and CS JBA.


Come on, join the auction at JBA! you can get your dream motorcycle easily, safely and comfortably. For other vehicles information, click here or contact CS JBA at 021 1500 369.

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