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JBA IndonesiaBantuan & Panduan
JBA Indonesia - The rainy season with moderate to heavy intensity is still expected to last until March 2021, so that high rainfall could potentially flood in several areas in Indonesia. To anticipate damage to your vehicle, especially the motorbike, it is better if we already know about things related to vehicles.
PT JBA Indonesia, which operates in automotive auction houses, has many tips regarding vehicles, these tips come from JBA's own inspection field which is experienced in the automotive world. Here is one of them, namely tips from Sukarman, field inspection of JBA Semarang, if the motorbike is flooded:
1. Do not turn on your vehicle engine when passing through a flood.
2. If you have passed a flooded area, start your vehicle engine and let it sit for a few minutes.
3. Immediately change the oil and axle oil if your motorbike is matic.
4. Pay attention to the height of the flood that submerges your vehicle, if it is submerged into the air filter, be sure to clean the cooling water (radiator) of your vehicle to avoid engine dropping.
5. Check the CVT of your motorbike if it is flooded, to avoid rust, immediately clean your CVT.
6. Replace your vehicle spark plugs.
7. Don't forget to service your carburetor or engine injection.
For those of you who are in the Semarang area and want to have a motorbike or private car, please come to the JBA Semarang branch to participate in a motorbike or car auction as scheduled. You can check the auction schedule, check the list of motorbike or car units that want to be auctioned, information about how to participate in the auction, etc. on the website www.jba.co.id. If you are not domiciled in Semarang, you can also participate in the auction at other JBA branches, please click here to find out about other JBA branches.
The advantages of participating in the auction are that you can get competitive prices, you can choose the vehicle unit you want in all JBA branch locations, get the vehicle unit according to your wishes, besides that you can also ask the JBA inspection field regarding the unit you want. That way, you will be much more satisfied buying a vehicle at JBA because the JBA team will help and provide solutions for you.
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