Special for the Beginning of the Year, 20% +23% JBA Flexi Pay Discount for All JBA Customers

News picture Special for the Beginning of the Year, 20% +23% JBA Flexi Pay Discount for All JBA Customers
date_range 2023-01-16
schedule 17:25:46
Special for the Beginning of the Year, 20% +23% JBA Flexi Pay Discount for All JBA Customers

Jakarta – One of the resolutions in 2023 for most people is to have a dream vehicle. Of course a vehicle that can support daily work. Used vehicles are also a solution for those who want to have their dream vehicle at an affordable price with stunning features. The JBA used vehicle auction house is the right choice, because in the used vehicle market consumers have many choices of types, models, and years of manufacture.


Not only known as an auction house with a variety of vehicles, JBA also has various programs that benefit its customers. One of them is the Flexi Pay program, which is a program for extending the time to pay off the vehicle you won at JBA. You can choose the repayment period, namely 7, 14, 21 and 28 days.


Especially for the beginning of the year, you have the opportunity to get a 20% + 23% discount on the Flexi Pay program during the auction period 1 – 31 January 2023. Valid for JBA members and non-members.


The following are the requirements for submitting the JBA Flexi Pay program:

  1. Flexi Pay participants must fill out the Flexi Pay application form and sign on a Rp. 10,000 stamp by attaching a photocopy of KTP, NPWP and front page of passbook.
  2. Submissions for participation in the Flexi Pay program cannot be later than D+5 working days at 15.00 WIB.
  3. Participants make their first Flexi Pay transaction in the form of payment of a minimum unit deposit of 30% of the price formed, administration fees and Flexi Pay program fees.
  4. If the participant cannot pay off the payment beyond the due date then all funds that have been deposited cannot be returned.


Come on, get your dream vehicle with various benefits and conveniences at the JBA auction. If you are interested in getting a vehicle payment extension with a 20% + 23% admin fee discount, you can click here or you can contact Customer Service at 021 1500 369 for more detailed information.


So don't miss the opportunity to get a big discount on the Flexi Pay program.

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