Tips for Participating in an Open House at JBA

News picture Tips for Participating in an Open House at JBA
date_range 2022-08-30
schedule 11:16:44
Tips for Participating in an Open House at JBA

PT JBA - At the auction hall there is an opportunity for customers to take part in the open house. This open house or unit checking can be done by the customer or auction participant before the auction takes place, the term open house may not be widely known to beginners.



Come on, see, JBA wants to discuss tips - tips for joining an open house as follows:


  1. Before joining an open house, it will be easier if you have decided on the vehicle you want to bid on. The method is very easy, first you can see the list of vehicles at


  1. If you want to enter the pool area, you are encouraged to exchange your identity and exchange it with a JBA identity.


  1. After that, you can perform a physical and document check of the unit.


  1. In this open house opportunity, you can carry out a detailed physical check to make it clear the condition of the vehicle unit you want.


  1. If it fits the physical and documentary units you want, you can enter the auction and bid on the price until you win the unit.



In conducting an open house, all it takes is accuracy. In JBA, there is an inspection field that you can ask about the vehicle unit you want. Our field inspection team is ready to assist you to explain the condition of the unit. However, in each vehicle unit a statement sheet of the condition of the vehicle is attached, so you can read it first.


In JBA, you have a large selection of units to be auctioned. So, to make it easier for you before joining the open house by opening a schedule and list of vehicles at the branch you want to participate in the auction. Joining the auction is now very easy, because there are online auctions. You can register via the website or download JBA Apps Bidding on the Play Store.


If you have registered as a Member to participate in the auction and have determined the vehicle unit you want to buy, you can bid without the need to bid continuously by filling in the bid nominal in the Booking Price feature. Because the price paid becomes cheaper if no one bids up to the amount you enter, and the chances of getting the vehicle you want are greater.


Come on, immediately register for auction members at JBA now! For further information, click here or you can contact our CS at 1500 369.

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