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JBA IndonesiaBantuan & Panduan
Not only focusing on employees who contribute ideas, JBA is also very concerned about the development of each branch, especially in providing the best service to every JBA customer.
This year, JBA carries the theme "First Class Services" with the hope that JBA can always provide the best service for JBA consumers and employees. JBA does not only offer used vehicles with a transparent and safe auction process, but also provides the best experience and service that can be felt first-hand. All JBA branches continue to improve the standard and quality of JBA services so that the JBA auction center continues to be the top choice for buying and entrusting used vehicles in Indonesia.
Seeing the hard work of each branch, JBA also gives appreciation to the branch with the best service in 2022 in the 2022 JBA Award. This assessment is based on several criteria, namely:
Based on the long and detailed assessment above, finally JBA got a name as the branch with the best service, the branch that won was The Jakarta Daan Mogot Branch.
JBA really appreciates all JBA branches and employees who have provided the best service based on the assessment above. Hopefully, through this appreciation, the Jakarta Daan Mogot branch will continue to provide the best service for consumers and JBA employees.
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