JBA, Used Vehicle Selling Solution

News picture JBA, Used Vehicle Selling Solution
date_range 2022-08-31
schedule 13:22:21
JBA, Used Vehicle Selling Solution

PT JBA Indonesia - Selling a used car or used motorbike is not an easy thing, especially in a pandemic era like today. The desire to get more profit and a sense of security in selling are one of the factors hampering the sales process.


The JBA auction house can be a solution to that problem. JBA always holds auctions every week in all JBA branches in Indonesia. Hundreds of prospective buyers attend every JBA auction. So, the chances of your used car or used motorbike selling are greater at JBA.


Moreover, the price offered is a competitive price. You can set a minimum price for your used car or used motorbike to be sold. With the auction system, the price of used cars or used motorbikes increases relatively from the base price. The auction process that is transparent and protected by legal entities makes it easier for you to sell your used car or motorbike on JBA.


If you often sell used cars, then selling on JBA is the most appropriate choice. Especially for car sellers, JBA has a special program so that used car sellers can get more benefits. The program is One JBA Membership.


One JBA Membership is made for the membership of buyers and auction vehicles, which comes with four levels of member levels according to the needs of buyers and sellers of used vehicles for auction at JBA.


By becoming a JBA member, you can get exclusive programs from JBA, such as Quick Pay and Instant Pay. Quick Pay is a special service for private car buyers or what is called a dealer to get faster sales results, namely on auction day or a maximum of H + 1 auction.


Meanwhile, Instant Pay allows private car buyers to immediately get payments of up to 70 percent of the total price on the same day the car is deposited in the JBA pool for auction.


For information about membership, please click here. Becoming a member of JBA is the right choice because JBA always makes it easy for its customers to buy or sell used cars or motorbikes.

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