Tips for Private Car Check After a Long Trip

News picture Tips for Private Car Check After a Long Trip
date_range 2024-03-22
schedule 14:16:47
Tips for Private Car Check After a Long Trip

JBA - The past few weeks have been moments when homecomings flocked back to their villages after spending time on Lebaran leave in their hometown. Even so, before starting your activity again, you should check your car first.

After returning to activities, there are several components that you need to check so that later you will not experience significant problems. But before you check the various components, you should clean the car first, starting from the outside, inside, luggage to the engine room so that the condition can be refreshed and help you in the checking process.

The following are some components that you can check yourself after Lebaran homecoming, including:

1. Tires

Tires are an important part that you need to check before the car is used for activities, moreover tires have a fairly vital task, such as supporting the car's body, directing, and regulating the speed of the car, to cut the vibration received by the car from road conditions.

The first thing you need to do when checking your own car is to check the wind pressure by the manufacturer's recommendations. After that, check the physical condition of the tires that you have used, starting from the tread of the tire to the tire wall. Also, check the thickness of the tire tread, and make sure there are no physical defects found on the tire wall. Also make sure the condition of the rim and the condition of the spare tire so that things don't go wrong.

2. Engine Oil

Another thing you need to do when checking your own car is the engine oil capacity through the dipstick. If engine oil is reduced, it should be added immediately. In addition, also pay attention to the physical condition of the oil, whether it is brown, cloudy or thick. If the physical condition has undergone a change, then immediately replace it so that the engine performance can be maintained.

3. Foot-Foot Car

The legs of the car need to be checked because there are 4 important components inside, such as the steering system, suspension, brakes and wheel drive. All of them work simultaneously and get the pressure from the driving style and the condition of the road being traversed.

Check the parts of the car, check for lubricant leaks, brittle rubber or tear. After that, also do spooring and balancing so that the parts of the car can be fit again.

4. Car Liquid

The next step when checking the car itself is checking car fluids, such as radiator water, alkaline battery water, brake fluid, manual clutch oil, automatic transmission oil, AC freon to wiper water. Add the liquid according to the dose, and check whether there is a leak or other damage. If something suspicious happens, you should immediately check it and don't ignore it.

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