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JBA IndonesiaBantuan & Panduan
OTOmart - Driving using a motorcycle is one type of work that is quite tiring and heavy, especially when the fasting month is like this. Therefore, saving energy can be one solution so that your body can survive until the time of breaking the fast arrives.
The following are some energy saving tips on driving when fasting that you can do easily.
The first energy-saving program starts from regulating sleep patterns and maximizing dawn. If both of these are sufficient, then it will certainly make it easier for you to manage the energy capital that you have previously obtained.
The next step is to determine the travel route and read the congestion point, sometimes the far but smooth route is still better than the near but jammed route.
Therefore, it would be better for you to set a departure time earlier than you should so driving can be more relaxed. Because, hurrying on the road can make you panic and wasteful of energy.
When driving it is very important for bikers to keep thinking positively and enjoy traveling. Because, if fast emotions, grumbling, and always blaming other people on the road will make the mental become ugly and it will actually make drivers become undisciplined.
Because, driving attitude can also affect your body's energy saving. Also, make sure that your back is not bent, sitting comfortably, and using safe driving equipment. A few tips in choosing a driving gear to keep energy efficient is to use lightweight material, choose bright colors to reduce the effect of heat, and not too tight.
In addition, you should also take advantage of a variety of motor features to avoid waste of energy, such as using keyless, having extensive luggage to store bags, and compartments to easily place items and be easily accessible.
In addition, during the trip you should also always maintain the ideal speed and manage the gas and brake openings efficiently. This aims to minimize the movement of your body. Because, driving relaxed also turns out to make it easier to avoid holes or bad roads that can make the body become increasingly tired.
One common problem when carrying out fasting is sleepiness. Usually sleepiness is characterized by symptoms of yawning. This happens because the condition of oxygen in the brain decreases due to fasting.
To overcome this drowsiness, there are some tips that you can use, such as choosing a different route than usual, seeing mirrors every 10 seconds, singing, or chatting with passengers.
Sleepiness can slow down the motorbike's response. This is certainly very risky if done when driving. If drowsiness comes, then you should leave yourself in a safe place to just take a nap.
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