What are the most popular used cars at auction in 2020?

News picture What are the most popular used cars at auction in 2020?
date_range 2022-08-30
schedule 19:36:20
What are the most popular used cars at auction in 2020?

JBA - Buying a used car at auction is now easier with online auctions, so it can be done anywhere so that those of you who want to buy a vehicle become more practical. You can come directly to the nearest JBA branch or simply with a stable internet network, you can register and participate in online auctions wherever you are.

Then, what type of car was in most demand during this pandemic year, where the most auctions were conducted online this year? Here is a list of the five most popular car brands in the JBA Auction Hall during 2020:

1. Toyota Avanza G.
2. Daihatsu Xenia
3. Toyota Avanza E.
4. Daihatsu Gran Max
5.Toyota Innova G.

The auction house is an alternative as an option for buying a car. In addition to the wide selection of brands and types, the procedure for participating in the auction is also very easy, for more information please click here. So what are you waiting for, register yourself as an auction participant at JBA now, visit our website www.jba.co.id for more info and get your dream vehicle.

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