Important Information

Due to the large number of complaints on behalf of PT JBA Indonesia, so we urge the public to always be careful. If you find various sites or accounts on behalf of JBA, it is necessary to submit if a site other than is a fake site.

So that you avoid online fraud mode on behalf of PT JBA Indonesia, we recommend that you always ensure that the site or account you visit is actually the official site owned by PT JBA Indonesia. In addition, avoid making transactions outside the official PT account number. JBA Indonesia. We are not responsible for all transactions that occur outside of these accounts.

If there are parties acting on behalf of PT JBA Indonesia or on behalf of JBA Indonesia, either by contacting you directly or sending a personal message to you and asking for personal data, we urge you not to provide any data and first confirm to us via email to cs @ jba or contact customer service at Call / Message +62 817-0993-078.

Here are fake accounts on behalf of PT JBA Indonesia





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